Version 0.8.0, 2024-04-24 ----------------------------- - remove `Jobs` domain namespace & related functionality - improve static analysis CI action - bump redis docker image from v6 to v7 Version 0.7.6, 2024-04-22 ----------------------------- - improve application start commands - fix GitHub packages pages Version 0.7.5, 2024-04-12 ----------------------------- - bump certbot & dind docker images - update use of node versions to rely mainly on the latest - add SSL certificate automations Version 0.7.4, 2024-04-09 ----------------------------- - add use of new Docker images - add new GH actions for keeping dependencies up to date Version 0.7.3, 2024-04-02 ----------------------------- - bump laravel min version to v10 - replace use of fruitcake/laravel-cors package - update resume PDF file - bump composer dependencies to latest versions Version 0.7.2, 2024-03-28 ----------------------------- - fix resume link to prevent google docs viewer from loading Version 0.7.1, 2024-03-28 ----------------------------- - fix PHP versions used in build scripts Version 0.7.0, 2024-03-28 ----------------------------- - bump dependencies to latest version - fix security vulnerabilities - bump PHP version to PHP 8.3 - update resume PDF - update text copies Version 0.6.2, 2022-03-30 ----------------------------- - add test 'api' route for testing connectivity between Laravel & React apps Version 0.6.1, 2022-03-23 ----------------------------- - fix issue with navbar links not working on non pages other than the landing page Version 0.6.0, 2022-03-16 ----------------------------- - add 'jobs' view that displays links to resume & cover letter PDFs Version 0.5.4, 2022-03-14 ----------------------------- - add background color to the 'package' view Version 0.5.3, 2022-03-11 ----------------------------- - fix issue with 'python' & 'node' open source packages displaying a vendor name prefix - add display of GitHub release badge in 'package' view Version 0.5.2, 2022-03-10 ----------------------------- - add use of GitHub action status badges to 'package' view - add display of node packages to the 'Open Source' section of the landing page Version 0.5.1, 2022-03-09 ----------------------------- - add use of GitHub descriptions & download buttons on the 'packages' view Version 0.5.0, 2022-03-08 ----------------------------- - add 'packages' page for displaying info about each open source pacakges Version 0.4.9, 2022-03-02 ----------------------------- - fix issues with GitHub deployment actions pushing broken webpack builds Version 0.4.8, 2022-03-02 ----------------------------- - fix font loading so that it occurs on the page rather in than within webpack - add sync loading of 'rev' slider CSS & JS assets - optimize tech stack image loading by changing lazyloading threshold & decreasing image size - start adding 'webpack' GitHub action for automatically updating webpack builds Version 0.4.7, 2022-02-25 ----------------------------- - optimize 'tech-stack' image sizes - add use of GitHub actions for running tests & deploying new versions Version 0.4.6, 2022-02-24 ----------------------------- - add 'tech-stack' images & display to the 'about' section of the landing page - add use of 'lazyloading' for deferring image loading Version 0.4.5, 2022-02-22 ----------------------------- - add use of new yarn packages in webpack builds to reduce size of static front-end assets Version 0.4.4, 2022-02-18 ----------------------------- - fix websites link so that the entire image hover is a link Version 0.4.3, 2022-02-15 ----------------------------- - bump composer/yarn packages & webpack builds - fix Ryan Lynch portfolio link Version 0.4.2, 2022-02-10 ----------------------------- - add use of 'go-to' button to jump to the top of the page Version 0.4.1, 2022-02-10 ----------------------------- - add use of the google analytics tags - add photo icons to the image sections - add js header & hamburger dependencies to make use of the js navbar Version 0.4.0, 2022-02-09 ----------------------------- - add 'resume' section to the landing page with a link to the pdf - fix meta tags & add meta image - add changelog link to the slider & fix color Version 0.3.1, 2022-02-09 ----------------------------- - bump Laravel framework composer package to v9 - fix issues with the 'projects' section background image - add links to the website titles Version 0.3.0, 2022-02-08 ----------------------------- - add 'projects' section to landing page with links to websites - add 'packages' section to the landing page that displays lists of open source packages - add contact section to the end of the landing page with an email link Version 0.2.1, 2022-02-07 ----------------------------- - add footer to the landing page with skills & websites list Version 0.2.0, 2022-02-04 ----------------------------- - add full landing page boilerplate - add unify scss to the webpack builds - add missing unify & vendor plugins to webpacks - enable downloading SSL certs from AWS S3 in production envs - add running test suite to the deployment script Version 0.1.3, 2022-02-03 ----------------------------- - temp disable aws S3 download SSL certs - fix `SESSION_COOKIE` env - add use of 'file' `SESSION_DRIVER` in production env - add github link & version to the landing page Version 0.1.2, 2022-02-02 ----------------------------- - refactor 'coming-soon' slider to 'typewriter' - add use of custom favicon Version 0.1.1, 2022-02-02 ----------------------------- - fix domain & add aws credentials Version 0.1.0, 2022-02-01 ----------------------------- - initial release